Wutheringbikes Home -- TransAm Bike Ride
Rick Chamber's Moby Dick Mural at Newport

Simon and Mike

 on Wednesday 03rd 2024f July 2024 11:03:42 AM

Enjoying your ride.

Hi Steve and Guy we are enjoying reading your blogg. Mike is enjoying lookin at the maps of where you have been.Take care Simon and Mike

Michael Phillips

 on Monday 17th 2018f December 2018 09:41:51 AM


Hi Guy and Steve ,A very belated look at your transam bike ride . We have visited Astoria whilst driving from Seattle Airport to relatives in South Bend Oregon . This was in June 2006 whilst on a 4 week drive in the states to celebrate my then 60th. birthday . I remember driving over the very tall and twisted bridge over the river and also the alternative shops that you also found .Best wishes for Christmas .Michael and CarolThis is the best email address to contact me . Are you learning welsh ?


 on Wednesday 20th 2014f August 2014 02:27:26 PM

Meeting Guy

Hello Guy!Probably it will take a while before you read this. Anyway;It was nice to have met you at the youth hostel in Schöningen!Your friend\s blog/pics look amazing. I hope you have enjoyed your trip!Cya,Kai


 on Wednesday 22nd 2013f May 2013 04:18:18 PM


Rail and Bus is overcrowded.Young people must come to school,so adults couldnt drive with Rail or Bus.


 on Monday 16th 2012f July 2012 04:55:35 PM

Are we planning to do this again?

Of course. The route would probably be north east to south west USA though - probably include going through Kansas again because the swimming pools were so delightful and the folks so friendly - though America is, frankly, a lot friendlier for the most part than the UK (lots of possible debate there!). The idea would be to see, I think, the Grand Canyon, a bit of desert, New England and down through to the Great Plains again. And the Pacific, ah the Pacific!! Perhaps go surfin in California. Suffice to say we will need to save up for a while and beg for a few months off, or just...

Frank Moreno

 on Thursday 24th 2012f May 2012 04:38:59 PM

Are you planning to do this again?

Hi there Steve!Would you do the whole shebang again or are you moving on to other stuff? The transam route will be fifty years old in 2026, is that a plan though it\s a way ahead? Where else would you think of going for a good ol\ bike ride?Liked the journal but would like to see it done again then you could compare then and \now\. And I agree that Kansas is the best.Stick with itFrank


 on Thursday 21st 2010f October 2010 08:42:42 PM

transAm tale has moved web address

Yes we used to be at www.smcarr.uklinux.net/transAm but that server disappeared under our very feet! A few blog posts probably went with it. Anyway, we\ve resurrected the site here, and we\ll be adding lots more bike stuff. We\ve got exotic travel planned, thousands of miles, savage coasts, rainforests, volcanoes, glaciers and ice capped mountains in view....


 on Tuesday 25th of August 2009 04:34:43 PM

How much water to carry...?

It varied, I think, in two respects. In Missouri it was so hot and humid that we both sweated away a great deal of water. But on the other hand the gaps between towns weren't so big and there are some wonderful places to cool down and swim (the Shut-Ins, for example, but the Ozarks do seem to have very swimmable rivers generally). The more difficult places are Kansas, Colorado and on across the rockies when it is often bakingly hot and there is sometimes a big gap between towns - though much less humid so you sweat less(I suppose this is because they are a lot higher up - 4000 feet-ish by the time you get to Pueblo in Colorado and more in the Rockies). The transAm maps from Adventure Cycling carry helpful warnings about big distances with no available water - generally we carried a couple of litres for a day of cycling but on the days when big dry scrubby areas or mountains were to be crossed we went up to about 4 litres each. I did swim in a fair few rivers - often at lunchtime, to cool down, which helped.

Guy is pleased that his tooth problems have warned others of the pitfalls of a big journey with a wobbly tooth...!

Jack and Elaine

 on Monday 24th of August 2009 02:09:42 PM

Amazing diary!!!

Youve really inspired us, and now were both quietly planning our cross country adventure. (Next summer??) Were quite a bit older and maybe a bit more tentative, but I think the seeds been planted now. I was wondering just how much water you carried on your trip each day, and were refills a problem along the way?Hope youre both well, and well make sure to get our teeth thoroughly worked on before leaving.Jack and Elaine


 on Sunday 12th of July 2009 02:25:34 PM

The Dutch Biker

I met Bert from the Rotterdam NL area on July 7th, 2009 in West Yellowstone.Bert if you find that entry ... I am still in shock and awe. Had a great time, two Shiraz too many and thought there was not enough time to talk. Would be thrilled to hear from you. Hope you had a safe biking tour and a safe trip back home! Ill be in Germany form July 20th until August 9th. If you are interessted reply to markus.meurer@power.alstom.com ( my brother )Hell give you my phone number Antje


 on Monday 11th of May 2009 08:40:45 PM


At the start of the trip, staying in Youth Hostels and Motels quite a bit, and we were on about £30 per day, but our spend rate declined - especially when staying in parks for free. In the early days we were getting used to doing the miles, the heat, etc, so it probably was a good idea to give ourselves a bit of air conditioning and a comfy bed a couple of times a week. I eventually got very used to a fairly thin sleeping mat. It is amazing how much you eat when doing some 70+ mile days, so quite a lot went on food - I still finished significantly thinner than when I started. There are lots of nice micro breweries (apart from the various dry counties youll find in such as Kentucky) which we couldnt miss... Overall, we averaged about £25 per day or thereabouts, about 30 euros a day a


 on Sunday 26th of April 2009 05:37:00 PM


guys! awesome trip! im planning something similar, been here and there in Europe and i think its time to give a try the other side of the Atlantic...im wondering, how much should i budget for such endeavor? touring in Europe (with a lifestyle similar to yours) i tend to spend 15-20 eur / day...well, as long i dont hit Scandinavia...what about the US?cheersesteban


 on Thursday 21st of August 2008 07:18:28 PM

USA Cycle

Anyone planning coast to coast in 2008, get in touch if so: -runningman1983@googlemail.comToby


 on Friday 04th of July 2008 10:39:07 AM

Have a great time!

Hope you have a great time Brian. Im amidst looking at how I could do Australia/NZ at the moment. Just working out how/when - itd be nice to do it in 2009. There are so many great routes in the USA - I am going to do a trip via the Grand Canyon one day, plus some of the southern states, and then youve got to end up at the Pacific I suppose...


 on Sunday 25th of May 2008 12:51:19 PM


Hello there,I am getting ready to leave next week on my trip that will take me from Houston Texas to California and back. This has been a life long dream so now is the time. I am going to take this trip solo and it is so exciting. Your site has helped me out with plaining my trip so thanks for your info.Brian


 on Wednesday 15th of August 2007 08:47:42 AM

Skating Across the USA

I think you\d be OK with skates - I\ve got some skates and I\d have been OK on the roads we used - we saw a few skaters, though just about all of them were on the dedicated bike path bits - e.g. on the transAm out of Breckenridge in the rockies. A skateboard would be another alternative. I\d guess you\d just need a few changes of wheels over the 4.5K miles. You could do like the transAm runner we met and push/pull a baby buggy with your stuff in it (food, water, tent?, spare clothing, etc). Sounds like fun - wow you\d have some downhills. If you were going to do the transAm route exactly as we did it (and as Adventure Cycling suggest) you\d need to check that you can skate on the freeway safety lane - as we did here and there (where legal). If you go ahead, have a great time!! - and do a

harm hids

 on Friday 10th of August 2007 02:36:10 PM

across the states

Having this dream/idea to skate on inline skates from coast to coast. In the mountains probably will need to change to socalled skike (kind of skate with a braking system)Would the tarmac be convenient for in line skating. I mean is it flat enough or would it be to rough.You have seen the tarmac from so close distance that you wil surely know it

nick constantine

 on Sunday 17th of June 2007 02:04:07 PM

further inspiration

hi guyswell my inspiration continues and I start the end to end on July 24th 2007; again all this down to you two. MY ambition is the trans america and one day it will be done even at 60.still a great blog, shame not many hits.nick

nick constantine

 on Friday 29th of September 2006 04:29:25 PM

i have been inspired

I only started cycling at age 30, swimming and other sports got in the way however I have toured in scotland and much in the north of england recently; this is a great site for advice and basically saying \give it ago\! A super BLOG; you have truly inspired me thankyou.


 on Sunday 10th of September 2006 12:19:46 AM


Nice to come across your site . I was one of three dewsbury lads who cycled the US in 1986 . We went from San luis obispo ( ca ) to Ocean city Delaware ( Md ) . Straight into the desert from Yosemite was a shock I\ll never forget. We were sleeping rough but the hospitality from the Yanks was amazing. About once every 5 years we manage to get together , the three of us and have a good reminisce!!.It was well before digital cameras so we have about 20 photos between us which as always been one of our regrets !. Keep going !!

Dave Doyle

 on Monday 22nd of May 2006 07:56:56 AM


A very useful site - I\m planning a big trip, just trying to work out which one! Looking at the transAm - might do the California express route though.

Terry Rimmer

 on Monday 08th of May 2006 09:44:17 PM


Hi, great to hear I am not the only cyclist who has heard of the transam! planning to take time off work in 2008 to get it out of my system. So will be studying your notes at length for tips. Great stuff and well done.

David Bearman

 on Sunday 16th of April 2006 09:40:12 PM

Brings back the memories !

I really enjoyed the read. I did the same route (but West to East) in July/August 1998. Enough memories to last a lifetime. I\d like to do it again but at a more leisurely pace. Many thanks.

Susi Brown, Ayr

 on Saturday 08th of April 2006 11:43:27 PM

Thank you for the inspiration

Really enjoyed your Cycle mag piece - now I am looking forward to reading the blog. You\ve cheered my day and set my sights on wider horizons. Congratulations on a magnificent trip! Susi

Eddie Thomas

 on Monday 03rd of April 2006 07:34:06 PM

Great memories of the TransAm

I did the TransAm (West-East)then up the East coast to Nova Scotia in 2001. Reading your blog brought back some great memories. Just seeing the place names brings it all back.God, I\d love to do it again! Nice oneEd

Eric Angell

 on Monday 03rd of April 2006 05:04:02 PM


Thanks for the CTC mag article and the website. At 57, it\s still my dream to ride TransAm. Perhaps I\ll do it one day, you never know. Well done lads.

Helen Russell, Reading

 on Monday 03rd of January 2005 02:23:31 PM

Wow !

Wow ! What a journey ! I really enjoyed reading your diary. Best of luck with the job-hunting ... then you can start planning your next trip !


 on Monday 15th of November 2004 09:51:31 PM

Well done You Two

Great diary and lovely pics. Well done you two and good luck with new jobs/home/future. \"Anything\s possible if you have enough nerve\" (JK Rowling) ... even packing up and moving house!

John / Birmingham

 on Wednesday 10th of November 2004 08:57:13 PM

Your Travels

So you\re back... Congratulations on your achievement! I\ve enjoyed reading the journal. I looked at the cumulative mileage chart and that IS impressive! Hope you\ve sorted out somewhere to live, if only so you have somewhere to start out from the next time.

bill maxwell

 on Sunday 17th of October 2004 03:36:54 PM

biking across america

I\ve just finished reading your wonderful journal. I, and a couple of other gents, are going to do the TransAm - but from West to East - in July 2005, so i found reading your diary really useful and inspiring.Is it possible to ask you some questions about the trip? Please e-mail and advise.Congratulations and thanks for the opportunity to share your trip.Bill Maxwell, Whitley Bay


 on Wednesday 06th of October 2004 01:57:53 PM

Congrats on Ride!

Hi Guys!I met you both at that Johnson\s Shut-Ins State Park in Missouri. Remember the tandem recumbent, the father and daughter team. Jenny and I rode to Chanute, Kansas together and then I finished the trip in Florence, Oregon on a single recumbent bike. Glad you had a safe trip. Great website!

Nick & Steve @ Reading UK

 on Monday 04th of October 2004 09:10:37 PM

Welcome Home!!

Congratulations on finishing the ride.

Nick & Steve @ Reading UK

 on Monday 04th of October 2004 09:06:03 PM

Welcome Home!!

Congratulations on finishing the ride.

Nick & Steve @ Reading UK

 on Monday 04th of October 2004 09:04:22 PM

Welcome Home!!

Congratulations on finishing the ride.

Steve Carr

 on Friday 01st of October 2004 08:23:51 PM


We\d be very glad to hear of similar sites, people doing, having done, or planning to do a transAm. Are you thinking of a big trip by bike? Where, why and when? As Mae West might have said - too much of a bike ride can be a wonderful thing

Wutheringbikes Home -- TransAm Bike Ride